MYK Laticrete India Pvt. Ltd. Offers Flexible and Shock Resistant Latex Admix, bearing the brand name LATICRETE®. MYK Laticrete India Pvt. Ltd. Is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company. It is a high performance latex additive for use with Crete Filler Powder to make high strength thin bed and medium bed adhesive. Flexible and Shock Resistant Latex Admix is suitable for installation of all types of ceramic tile, vitrified tile, natural stone & agglomerates. It has superior bond strength and is flexible and also highly resistant to shock and impact and is used for installation of tile and stone in high demanding areas such as external facades, industrial floor, high traffic areas etc. It has a bonding strength-greater than ANSI-118.4 specifications. MYK Laticrete India Pvt. Ltd. Offered Flexible and Shock Resistant Latex Admix come in pack of 20 litres.