The Smoky Quartz Gemstone, also known as Cairngorm or Cairngorm stone is a brown variety of quartz caused through the natural [or artificial] irradiation of aluminium-containing rock crystal. A very dark brown to black opaque variety is known as morion whereas Coon tail quartz is a smoky quartz with an alternating black and gray banding. Desire Gems & Jewels is manufacturing Smoky Quartz Gemstone.
Desire Gems & Jewels offers wide range of free size faceted stones, cabochon and preformed and import natural rough stones. Smoky Quartz Gemstone is used as ornamental stone and is sometimes used for unusual faceted cuts. The gem has a refractive index of about 1.54 - 1.553 with the hardness of 7 on Mohs scale. The gem is known as the stone of co-operation-a gently grounding stone. It neutralizes negative energy and has a calming effect on its wearer.