Archidply Industries Ltd. Manufactures Phenol formaldehyde resin bonded Lamyply and Lamyboard. Archidply Industries Ltd. Is certified ISO 9001: 2000 for quality management systems. Lamyply is a combination of BWR Grade Plywood and decorative laminates. BWR Grade plywood is made of chemically infused hardwood timber and international glue line technology, ensuring the product is 100% borer-proof. The products are then pressed on the BWR Grade plywood at 140degree temperature, 14 kg per cm2 specific pressure for 12 to 14 minutes. Impregnated tissue paper is used in between the decorative laminates and BWR plywood for better bonding. Lamyboard is manufactured by pressing decorative laminate on the block board. They are manufactured under strict quality standards as prescribed in the ISI framework. Archidply Industries Ltd. Lamyply and Lamyboard have applications in kitchen cabinets, false ceilings, speaker cabinets, light construction works, cupboard shutters, furniture, table tops, panel and door inserts. The standard thickness of these products is 6, 9, 12, 19 mm and they are available in standard sizes of 8 x 4 feet. The Phenol formaldehyde resin bonded Lamyply and Lamyboard are cost effective and made of 100% hardwood timber. They are both borer-proof and spill proof.