Monocomponent Polyurethane Glue, P35 ICA BOND is the product of Clear and Opaque. The product Monocomponent Polyurethane Glue is an Amine-free polyurethane glue which is suitable for gluing traditional parquet or prefinished parquet floors on cement foundations, ceramic, marble, elastic or soundproofed floors. Monocomponent Polyurethane Glue is available in light [P35C] or dark [P35S] versions. Monocomponent Polyurethane Glue when lied on a traditional parquet floor without tapping, it is essential to glue the edges with water-dispersal glue [MPC9]. Before laying the Monocomponent Polyurethane Glue on ceramic or marble floors, first ensure that the surface is perfectly clean and dry, and then apply a preliminary coat. Monocomponent Polyurethane Glue is available as 13,5 kg [P35C and P35S] - 1340 g [P35CSAMAX and P35SSAMAX] - 600 ml [P35CSA and P35SSA] container size. Monocomponent Polyurethane Glue is used as 800-1300 g/sq.M coverage.