The Organic Fungicide And Nematicide Safin is manufactured by Scientific Agricultural Laboratory. Safin is attributed with a broad band spectrum. Safin is used to protect the crops from fungi and nematodes. Saffin is both contact & systemic fungicide and bactericide. Scientific Agricultural Laboratory formulates Saffin in a very controlled environment. The dark brown coloured Safin has neutral in Ph Scale rating. The eco friendly Fungicide And Nematicide Saffin is dark brown in colour. It is composed of Tri terpenes, Calotropin, Allicin, Solvents & Emulsifiers. Safin is compatible with other pesticides. Crop diseases like used to cure diseases like Powdery Mildew, Downy Mildew, Rot, Anthracnose, Wilt, Leaf Spot, Cankers, Early & Late Blight; Tikka can be prevented by using Safin. Safin is used on crops such as Paddy, Wheat, Corn, Soya beans, Tubers, Cotton, Peanuts, Sesame, Sugarcane, Tobacco, and Mulberry. The fungicide Saffin, is Compatible with other pesticides. Scientific Agricultural Laboratory offers Safin in 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml, and 5000 ml package and also in 200 kg sealed barrel.