Aminossal G manufactured and exported by Scientific Agricultural Laboratory is widely used in the agricultural sectors. Aminossal G, enhances the chlorophyll content in the leaves. Aminossal G contains Aminossal 10% along with Fillers & Binding Agents. . The Ph scale of Aminossal G is 7, which implies aminossal is neutral in nature. It is used to regulate the growth of the palnts and enhance production yield from the plants. The Aminossal G, manufactured by Scientific Agricultural Laboratory is compatible with the other Pesticides .Aminossal G also promotes growth of the flowers. Aminossal G is free from any toxic substances. Aminossal G can be applied to Paddy, Wheat, Corn, Soya beans, Tubers, Cotton, Peanuts, Sesame, Sugarcane, Tobacco, Mulberry, Fruits & other crops. Aminossal G is available in 1 kg, 4 kg or 40 kg drum packs. Bulk product can also be obtained from Scientific Agricultural Laboratory in accordance to the requirements of the clients.