Ravi Industries manufactures Thermal Deaerator. Ravi Industries is an ISO 9000 company and manufactures process equipment and energy saving equipments. A Thermal Deaerator is the equipment used to remove the dissolved oxygen to a level of 0.007 ppm. This equipment consists of a deaeration tower along with storage tank. The temperature of boiler feed water is increased to 105 degree /126 degree Celsius by addition of steam in Deaerator. Thermal Deaerator also has accessories like level switches, pressure relief valve, vacuum breaker, level gauges, and vent valves.
Deaeration removes corrosive gases such as dissolved oxygen and free carbon dioxide from the boiler feed water by heating feed water to the temperature of the operating steam and vigorously scrubbing the water with this steam so that the last remaining traces of non-condensable gases are removed from the feed water. This protects the feed water lines; steam lines, boiler tubes and other pressure parts of the boiler against corrosion and fitting, and save costly boiler re-tubing and expensive plant shutdowns. Thermal Deaerator is available in spray and tray type Deaerator,