Ravi Industries manufactures Boiler Stack Heat Recovery System. Ravi Industries is an ISO 9000 company and manufactures process equipment and Energy saving equipment. Boiler Stack Heat Recovery System produces gases out of the combustion inside the boiler are further exhausted to chimney. The gases going to chimney are hot and carry enough waste heat. The waste heat of these gases can be recovered to a temperature limiting to Sulphur condensation point. Boiler Stack Heat Recovery System condensate can be circulated through a heat exchanger placed between the boiler and chimney. This system consists of a heat exchanger, condensate tank; inter connecting piping, circulation pumps and safety devices. Boiler Stack Heat Recovery System can also be used in series with boiler blow down heat recovery system. The salient features of the Boiler Stack Heat Recovery System such as reduction loss of high stack temperature and increase boiler feed water temperature results in reducing fuel consumption.