Russell airflow systems pvt limited is the leading distributor of air curtains, automatic sliding door, p.V.C strip curtains, insect killers, liquid soap dispensers, hand dryers, aerosol dispenser, pipe line exhaust fan and shoe shining machines.
The air curtains from russell are based on standards as set by ashrae and fda. It has a double body and designed in such a way that creates less turbulence and minimize vibrations. Therefore it produces less noise. It is made form high grade plastic and is designed with large open area for better air suction and lessen power consumption. It has an appealing g.I. Power coated body. It is available all over india and comes with renewable contracts after the expiry of the warranty. The various varieties of aircurtains are, standard aircurtain, super sleek aircurtain, sleek aircurtain and stainless steel aircurtain
Russell air curtains can easily fit in showrooms, supermarkets
Hotels / restaurants, auditoriums / theatres, computer rooms,
Pharmaceutical companies, food industry, hospitals / nursing homes, airports / railway stations and cold storages. The russell air curtains are dustproof and insect proof. It also has a deodorizing effect and also heating and cooling retention effect.