Karthik instrumentation has developed ready-to-use, modular temperature control system for scientists, r&d institutions and pharmaceutical applications, etc. The single-phase modular temperature control system comes in 160 x 80 x 135 mm [w x h x d] standard size. The temperature control system comprises pid control unit with ssr or thyrister power regulator for accurate controlling of heating applications; directly plugged up to 3 kw heaters into the heater module; and 500 mm long mineral insulated thermocouple type k along with the module. The temperature control module comes with the objective of simplifying the control instrumentation for scientists and researchers. The company can provide various options of the temperature control system with the module to ensure custom built solutions. Some of the salient features of these single-phase temperature control system include programmable profile pid controller instead of pid controller; modbus communication options for data acquisition purpose; simple and economical software for data acquisition; master-slave combination suitably fixed to control two zone heaters for high uniformity; profile controller master to be followed by slave controller; and 200 x 80 x 150 mm two-zone control dimensions.