S.S. Packaging industries is the manufacturer of hot melt rotary labelling machine. This machine is suitable for labelling of cylindrical/square/rectangular and other odd-shaped containers such as glass and plastic bottles, cans, jars, etc with wrap round labels with hot melt glue at speeds ranging between 50-300 bpm. The hot melt rotary labelling machine by s.S. Packaging industries can handle glass or plastic bottles, cans, jars etc. For labelling operations, the containers is turned and pushed towards the first glue roller. Then it is rolled against the label magazine [fixed magazine] where it picks up the label. During the extraction step the glue is automatically distributed on the overlap. The last operation is the smoothing of the label. The hot melt rotary labelling machine is available in two versions "a" & "b". In "a" model, the rotation of the plate [base pad] is driven by a fixed toothed belt and toothed pulleys. In "b" model, the rotation of the plates is driven by a geared cam.