S.S. Packaging Industries is the manufacturer of Vibratory Cap Feeder. The Vibratory Feeder is an automatic cap feeder which feeds the Deep Drawn, Extra Deep Drawn ROPP and Guala caps onto the neck of filled bottles before they go under the heads of capper for sealing. The feeder is mounted on separates stand and can be placed at any angle / location near the Capping machine. In the Vibratory Cap Feeder by S.S. Packaging Industries the caps are fed through track of Feeder bowl and chute by vibrations which are controlled by rheostat. Knob fitted on main panel controls the vibration to increase / decrease the flow of caps from this Feeder. The height of this Feeder can be adjusted as per the requirement. The Feeder is supplied with Cap Chute and Shoe which can be attached to Capping Machine or Monoblock Machine.