Zion multi grade filter is a depth filter that makes use of coarse and fine media mixed together in a fixed proportion. This arrangement produces a filter bed with adequate pore dimensions for retaining both large and small suspended particles.
Special features
-higher specific velocity.
-raw water can be used for backwashing the filter.
-side stream filtration of cooling water and in potable water treatment.
-filtration of clarified water.
-sear water filtration and chemical filtration.
-waste water treatment.
-pre treatment of reverse osmosis.
-one vertical mild steel pressure vessel with dished end, internally painted with epoxy. Mild steel vessel will be given two coats of red oxide primer on the outside.
-one set of internals for the above comprising of raw water distribution and treated water collecting system
-one complete set of frontal pipe work with valves
-one charge of filtering sand.
-one set of inlet and outlet pressure gauges and sample valve.