Nilkamal bito storage systems pvt. Ltd [nbss] is a joint venture between nilkamal ltd. & bito - lagertechnik, germany. They manufacture various types of storage systems. The automated bin and tray storage systems possess the following salient features:
1. fully automated loading and retrieval service options
2. storage options single position & multi-position storage with 1 or 2 positions in depth
3. surface/volume utilisation is very high
4. automated bin storage system is the most common system with individual positions for bins or for trays which are either loaded with several bins or equipped with dividers.
5. automated bin storage systems are most frequently used in warehouses stocking many small size items of which only a limited quantity is picked at any one time.
6. goods-to-operator principle reduces access times: no walking, lifting, putting down etc.
7. optimum utilisation of available warehouse height; high storage density
8. uprights can be supplied 30 mm, 45 mm and 60 mm wide for an optimum adaptation to different bay load requirements and building constraints
9. beams can be adjusted in 6.25 mm increments which allows maximum utilisation of the building height
10. strict adherence set up for production and assembly of automated bin storage system installations ensures trouble free operation and maximum operational safety
11. integration of sophisticated live storage system technology into the automated bin storage system allows direct order picking from nbss installations
12. short-term delivery together with professional project implementation
Frequently used in production and supply stores, in order picking stores, in buffer stores, for small parts storage & for spare parts and tool storage