Air and Water Cooled Screw Chillers, R22 is the product of Blue Star is the central air conditioning company. The product Air and Water Cooled Screw Chillers has low operating cost. Air and Water Cooled Screw Chillers are available and allowed to operate on HCFC-22 refrigerant. Air and Water Cooled Screw Chillers comes in a quality range of eleven models varying from 75 TR - 366 TR in the air cooled version and ten models varying from 115 TR - 400 TR in the water cooled version. The Air and Water Cooled Screw Chillers are designed for operation under a wide range of ambient conditions. Air and Water Cooled Screw Chillers are available as rugged. Air and Water Cooled Screw Chillers operates with its automatic capacity control. The product Air and Water Cooled Screw Chillers is ideal for office spaces, hotels, hospitals, malls and multiplexes. The salient features of the Air and Water Cooled Screw Chillers: