Product Profile of O Frame Type Turret Punch Press
Electronica HiTech Engineering Pvt Ltd offers `O` Frame type Turret Punch Press. Electronica HiTech Engineering Pvt Ltd supplies a wide range of machineries, tools and other engineering products for various industrial applications. The `O` Frame type Turret Punch Press available in the brand name "Finn Power" has the punching force is 23 / 30 Tons and can punch 8 mm sheet. The Turret Punch Press is used for light sheet metal punching.
Key Features of O Frame Type Turret Punch Press
- `O` frame type Hydraulic and Servo TPP`s.
- 10 stations are either Multi Tool or Auto Indexing tool stations thereby loading more than 100 to 150 tools.
- The machine punching force is 23 / 30 Tons
- Can punch 8 mm sheet and take the sheet weight of 200 Kgs on Brush tables.
- Could also be equipped with production boosting optional like Up Bending System, Tapping Attachment, Forming Operations etc.
- 5 Axis CNC Hydraulic Press brakes from 40T to 250T are also available
- Dener NC/ CNC Press Brakes ranging from 40T to 1000T and bed length from 1.0 metre to 10.0 metre
- Dener NC Shears from 6 mm to 20 mm thickness and cutting length from 3 metre to 6 metre