Nav bharat industries offers paddy thresher. The company manufactures 2 types of paddy thresher [1] 10 hp engine or7.5 h.P motor operated [2] 30 or above hp tractor operated.
Performance thresher is provided with the drum where the paddy crop is fed. Here the paddy seeds are separated from the crop and the crop is thrown out through the fan. The seeds drops down through the concave sieve[ jali] and moves out. At the output, a blower is attached to blow light dust from the seeds. The crop thrown away through the fan is not broken. At the feeding end of the drum one more fan is attached. When the crop is fed in the drum lot of muddy dust comes out from the feeding end that creates problems to the operator. The fan attached sucks all the dust and thus prevent problem for the operator. Paddy thresher output ranges from 10 to 14 bags per hour. Tractor operated paddy thresher output ranges from 24 to 30 bags per hour. It has speed range of 500-600rpm.