Emami offers navratna hair oil. Himani navratna oil is one of the flagship brands of emami ltd. Navratna oil is among the top selling brands in india. Its traditional ayurvedic formulation along with the cooling sensation has multiple benefits of providing relief from headache, tension, sleeplessness, body ache and other hair related problems. The name navratna comes from unique blend of 9 ayurvedic herbs.
The most trusted brand in the category. Navratna is a force to recon with cool oil category. It commands a holding of 50% of market share of the cool oil market. Amazingly, it has a virtual monopoly in the southern states with a market share of 98 %. We do believe that navratna will do wonders in the fmcg category in near future.
Available sizes:
3.5ml ,50ml, 100ml, 200ml, 300 ml [very soon on popular demand it will also come in skus of 15 ml and 500 ml]