
Product Portfolio Management Software Module

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Product Category :    Software

Supplier                :    Ginni Systems Limited

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Product Profile of Product Portfolio Management Software Module

Ginni Systems Limited provides Product Portfolio Management Software Module. Ginni Systems Limited also manufactures wide ranges of software. Product Portfolio Management Software Module maintains an Item Master that can contains all possible details about any number of SKUs. The item can be defined on multiple attributes e.G., brand, size, color, age of procurement, etc. Product Portfolio Management Software Module makes stock auditing a lot more reliable and easy - can do category-wise, store-wise auditing, so can make a physical stock taking plan spread over multiple weeks.

Product Portfolio Management Software Module has the following features:

  • Maintains an Item Master that can contains all possible details about any number of SKUs. The item can be defined on multiple attributes e.G., brand, size, color, age of procurement, etc. There is also flexibility to create custom categories for item definition.
  • Makes stock auditing a lot more reliable and easy - can do category-wise, store-wise auditing. So can make a physical stock taking plan spread over multiple weeks. Gives lots of flexibility with no impact of store operations. The system automatically gives stock adjustments and variances reports
  • Complete management of logistics tracking - when the good arrives, which carrier, which vendor, which insurance, all this is easily managed by the system. All the legal documents related to logistics are managed in a seamless manner as well.
  • Can do inventory valuation based on the preferred accounting system - FIFO, last purchase, WSP or MRP
  • Generates inventory reports at various levels - department, item, age, store, etc.
  • Helps track inventory movement - opening, purchase, sales, consumption, closing - for both quantity and value
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