
Multi-Store Distribution Software Module

Multi-Store Distribution Software Module

Product Category :    Software

Supplier                :    Ginni Systems Limited

Key Features of Multi-Store Distribution Software Module

  • Data sending wizard ensures seamless information transfer from one store to another or from head office to multiple stores
  • Complete management of inter-store requisition and replenishment
  • Transfer price management on MRP, WSP, FIFO Cost, Standard Cost, etc.

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Product Profile of Multi-Store Distribution Software Module

Multi-Store Distribution Software Module helps manages activities of multiple store in an integrated and easy manner. Multi-Store Distribution Software Module is manufactured by Ginni Systems Limited. Ginni Systems Limited also provides various types of software. Multi-Store Distribution Software Module comes with data sending wizard which ensures seamless information transfer from one store to another, or from head office to multiple stores. Multi-Store Distribution Software Module has complete logistics tracking during inter-store transfers with alerts for in-transit at Destination, if transfer exceeds normal transit days.

Key Features of Multi-Store Distribution Software Module
  • Data sending wizard ensures seamless information transfer from one store to another or from head office to multiple stores
  • Complete management of inter-store requisition and replenishment
  • Transfer price management on MRP, WSP, FIFO Cost, Standard Cost, etc.
  • Activity based definition of each step of stock transfer from warehouse to shop ensures there is complete tracking of goods movement across multiple stores, from bar code level to carton level
  • Can generate master barcode for a carton or good, get reports on goods received by the shop or on losses in transit
  • Complete logistics tracking during inter-store transfers with alerts for in-transit at Destination, if transfer exceeds normal transit days
  • Ability to generate reports related to transfer register, package register, pending acknowledgement, etc.
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