VHB Life Sciences Limited offers Hepatitis-B Immunoglobulin Injection. VHB Life Sciences Limited has WHO GMP certified facility as well as INVIMA approved facility. Hepatitis-B Immunoglobulin Injection is available in 200IU or 1ml, single vial packing. It is used in for post exposure prophylaxis following percutaneous exposure to [example needle stick], direct mucous membrane contact with [example oral, ophthalmic] or ingestion [example pipetting accident] of material containing Hepatitis-B virus or an HBsAg source of known identity. The recommended initial dose is 100 to 200 I.U.[.5 TO 1 ml] and booster dose is 32 to 48 I.U. Per kg of body weight. Hepatitis-B Immunoglobulin Injection is available with the brand name of Hepabig.