Product Profile of Sc22-3 Safety Controller
Banner Engineering India Pvt. Ltd manufactures SC22-3 Safety Controller. Banner Engineering India Pvt. Ltd offers sensors, machine safety and wireless network products and productivity indicator lights. The SC22-3 Safety Controller was developed to provide a highly flexible controller for applications involving multiple inputs from safety devices. The SC22-3 was designed to dramatically reduce the cost and complexity of interfacing multiple safety devices to the machine control system.
Main features of SC22-3 Safety Controller include:
- Easy-to-use controller with fully configurable inputs and outputs
- ISO 13849-1 Category 2, 3 or 4 and OSHA/ANSI Control Reliability Input device hookup
- Manages several safety related functions
- 22 inputs for safety and non-safety input devices
- 3 dual channel safety outputs [24V dc @ 0.75A] with selectable ON- and OFF-delay
- 10 Status outputs track input and output status, mute status, lockout, fault conditions and reset needed
- Simple configuration procedure using PC interface [PCI] or on-board controller interface [OBI] maps each input device to any of 3 safety outputs
- PCI software included with the SC22-3 Safety Controller; No licensing or additional charges
- Configurations are password protected and confirmed before use, for assurance of safety integrity
- Configurations can be stored on an external memory card and can be transferred to multiple SC22-3 Controllers or e-mailed as attachments
- Complies with Safety Integrity Level [SIL] 3 per IEC 62061 and IEC 61508, and Category 4 Performance Level "e"per ISO 13849-1
- Live display and fault log provide "real-time" status information and historically track faults
- Wiring diagram, Ladder Logic diagram