Servo Valve Analyzer with Proportional Integral Derivative Control is ideal for testing pressure gain, hysterisis, threshold, peak flow, rated flow, null bias etc. The Servo Valve Analyzer is available with precision constant current source for servo valve coil excitation. The Servo Valve Analyzer of model number SVA-101 is a data acquisition and control system for comprehensive characterization of servo valves with full software support. Servo Valve Analyzer with Proportional Integral Derivative Control is available with raw data display panel and ensures graphical representation of data.
Core Technologies is the manufacturer of Servo Valve Analyzer with Proportional Integral Derivative Control. Core Technologies manufactures a wide range of dynamic weighing machine controllers, tamper proof data loggers for pharmaceutical industry, high speed sequence of events recorders for power sector, weather monitoring stations, loop powered industrial transmitters, strain gauge instrumentation and automated test equipment for engineering test rigs.