Tear resistance tester [elmendorf type] measures the tear force required to i tear samples of paper, board, plastic and i other similar materials.
The equipment is designed to directly i read gf [tear force] per one piece. The i tear force thus obtained can be converted i into tear energy, tear index or tear factor by applying appropriate formulae,
The machine incorporates incision knife of hardened ground alloy steel; precision clamps with controlled made of aluminum; and extra light, low friction pointer with friction lining of textile material. Supplied template to cut 63 x 63 mm specimen,
The dial of the instrument has three scales marked on scale: 0-100 gf when using 16 pieces; b scale: 0-200 hen using 8 pieces; and c scale: 0-400 gf when using 4 pieces. Depending on the number of pieces used for tearing, readings on the appropriate scale should be taken.