Rallis India Limited offers Asataf Versatile Organophosphate Insecticide. The Turbhe unit of Rallis India limited is an ISO: 9001: 2000, ISO: 14001:2004, ISO: 18001: 2007 and BSC 5-Star certified unit. Asataf is a 75% SP formulation of Acephate, with both contact and systemic action. It is particularly effective on severe infestations of sucking and chewing insects of tobacco, sugarcane, cotton, chilies, vegetables, fruits and cereals. Asataf Versatile Organophosphate Insecticide has low toxicity to mammals and does not harm beneficial insects. It is easy to use, being soluble in water. These formulations are packed in sealed polyethylene bags, inside HDPE/fiberboard drums. They are available in pack sizes of 100g, 200g, 500g, 1kg, 5 kg, 10kg and 25 kg.