Vacon drives & controls pvt ltd offers vacon inverters for booster application in poy/psf line. Specification and operation: poy/psf process line mainly uses pta [pure teraphthalic acid] and meg [glycol] as raw material. Mixture of pta and meg from slurry mix tank passes through heat exchanger via slurry feed tank. During pre-polymerisation agent like tio2 and other catalysts are added. After agitator polymer is ready for poy windup through metering pump. Polymer passes through gear pump and booster pumps to have constant feed pressure up to the last end of metering pump. A speed variation is required to maintain the constant feed pressure in metering pump depending on yarn denier and production rate. Any tripping of gear pump and booster pump disrupts the production of whole line. It may range from 75 mt/day to 600 mt/day depending on cp line production capacity. Revival of production is possible only after 10 hrs - 12 hrs. User requires trouble-free guaranteed operation of gear pump and booster pump vfd during tripping of vfd or input voltage power dip. Different options have been evolved after having understanding the critical process requirement: for example : incase running vfd develops problem: use of vfd in tandem - parallel redundant; use of vfd in hot redundant; in case of power related issues: if power dip is up to 50% for 2 secs.; if power dip is more than 50% or black out. Some of the features of vacon vfd includes: drive to drive communication; input & output synchronisation; in-built input ac chokes; in-built plc in all range of drives and ip54 enclosure. Two inverters constantly handshake with each other through fibre optic communication. It ensures both vfds run in proper synchronised condition or load sharing mode.This avoids disturbance in critical process when there is snag in running vfd.When there is voltage dip or power black out, dc voltage of vfd reduces. When it crosses the limit of minimum safe level, the invertor trips. Hence, such power-related issue are taken care by strengthening dc voltage, as per details given above. Hi-rel/vacon has used vacon inverters in handshake mode and "ride through" or battery to address such critical requirement of man-made fibre industry. Every customer uses different dcs. It calls for capability of vfd to communicate on different protocols. Vacon vfd can communicate on any protocol like modbus, profibus, canbus, modbus - ethernet, etc. Vacon inverters have open protocol for communicating to invensys, yokogawa, ab, siemens and honeywell dcs in various sites.