Product Profile of Sound Absorber Used For Acoustic Applications
Armacell India Pvt. Ltd. Manufactures Sound Absorber used for acoustic applications. Armacell India Pvt. Ltd. Is engaged in manufacturing of engineered foams and it is ISO 9001 certified company. This Sound Absorber - ARMASOUND Super Silence - is a versatile acoustic absorber designed for use in a variety of different acoustic applications.
The acoustic properties of ArmaSound vary depending on formulation, density and thickness. This ArmaSound can also be engineered to meet specific requirements by optimizing its absorption behavior to match particular problem frequencies.
The salient features of the Sound Absorber are:
- Open cell structure with complex pore geometry allows for effective absorption of air-borne sound across a broad frequency range
- Unique combination of physical properties allows absorption to be maximized at key "nuisance" frequencies
- Relatively high density and high flow resistance offers beneficial sound transmission loss properties.
- May be suitable for use as an alternative to complex `foam-barrier` multilayers.
- Vibration Damping and Isolation
- Visco-elastic properties help dampen or deaden resonance effects in metal panel work [e.G. Enclosures or ducting] which helps to reduce`re-raditaion` effects.
- Reduces structure-borne noise transmission when used as isolation pads.