Unadulterated Herbs Made Herbal Liver Tonic corrects and regulates liver. This Herbal Liver Tonic also controls the damage of liver due to excessive take of alcohol by regular drinkers. Shilpachem manufactures Unadulterated Herbs Made Herbal Liver Tonic.Shilpachem also manufactures The Herbal Medicine for Sexual Enhancement is completely secure and does not have any side effects. The Unadulterated Herbs Made Herbal Liver Tonic, also known as Livobell Syrup, is recommended in case of functional derangement of liver due to excessive in take of food or alcohol, painless enlargement of sluggish liver, jaundice, hepatitis of liver and allied digestive disorders and chronic constipation. This Herbal Liver Tonic is taken in dosage of 2 teaspoonful three times a day for adults and 5-10 drops three times a day for children.