Kaprigiani offers vending machine "ventura", an entry level model with two canisters, which caters to the most basic requirement of any office serving tea & coffee. Ventura is a name synonymous with a basic vending machine with over 4000 installations. The basic features of this vending machine is as follows: it has two flat canisters, four keys. The operating voltage is 230v / 15 amp, the storage capacity is 4.75 ltr, the boiler capacity 2.2 ltr, display is 16x2 backlit, heating element 2.0 kw, it has separate channel for hot water and it has auto flush facility. The dimension is h- 635mm d-520mm w 290 mm. The weight of the machine is 25 kgs. It serves two beverages and hot water. It has half cup facility. It has optional coin mechanism facility and smart card access. The temperature setting is programmable through keypad and the setting of volume and weight is also programmable through keypad.