Product Profile of 211 X 109 Two Piece Draw Redraw Cans
Am-Tech Packs Ltd. Supplies 211 X 109 Two Piece Draw Redraw Cans. Am-Tech Packs Ltd. Manufactures Two Piece Draw Redraw Cans and Easy Open End Cans for commercial use. 211 X 109 Two Piece Draw Redraw Cans are made of both Tin Free Steel and Electrolytic Tin Plate with necessary Coating applied.
Other features of 211 X 109 Two Piece Draw Redraw Cans are:
- The Coatings used are manufactured by manufacturers of High Repute in the Can Making Industry such as ICI Packaging Coatings , PPG Packaging Coatings, WR Grace / Darex, UBIS, etc
- The Coating and the Coating manufacturer are always selected based on the information received from Customers such as the Product to be Canned, Process Parameters and Processing Conditions to ensure at most satisfaction up to the level of End User.
- The Cans are supplied plain with External Coating of any Shade [Standard is Gold or Clear] and Printed as per Customer`s Artwork.