Product Profile of Gas Leak Detector With Calibration Protocol
Testo India Pvt. Ltd. Offers Gas Leak Detector with Calibration Protocol. Testo India Pvt. Ltd. Is involved in the design, development and manufacture of portable instrumentation. Gas Leak Detector with Calibration Protocol with belt clip and wrist strap is availed for fast checks on gas pipe connections, with visual bar display.
Key Features of Gas Leak Detector With Calibration Protocol
- Self-test by sensor following switch-on
- Audible confirmation of readiness to operate
- Rising alarm sounds with increasing gas concentrations
- Non-stop sound if alarm threshold is exceeded
- Battery monitoring with visual display
- Shows gas concentration in visual bar display
- Sensor self-test following switch-on
- Audible confirmation of readiness to operate
- Increasing alarm sounds with increasing gas concentration
- Continuous sound if alarm threshold is exceeded
- Battery monitoring with optical display
- Self-test function