Allegheny technologies incorporated [ati] is one of the world`s largest and most diversified producers of specialty metals. Ati produces a wide variety of stainless steel alloys known for their excellent corrosion and heat resistance. One of them is the precipitation hardening stainless steels which are designed so that it is formable in the solution annealed condition and can consequently be hardened by heat treating to strength levels several times that of type 304. Salient features are:
It may be martensitic or semi-austenitic [sometimes called meta-stable austenitic] and contain chromium and nickel as the major alloying elements.
Corrosion resistance is usually better than that of straight chromium ferritic.
Precipitation hardening stainless steels are applicable in aerospace components, injection molding equipment, valve parts, fasteners, fittings, air frame parts, flat springs, bellows, diaphragms, and fasteners, cockpit doors.