Megger manufactures dual display digital multimeters, megger m7000/m8000 series. The product is an advanced analog and digital multimeters from megger that use the latest microprocessor technology to provide the most comprehensive measuring ranges and features in a hand held instrument. There are four instruments in the range and have been designed to provide greater accuracy with additional extensive measuring capabilities. The product has rugged dependability for use in the most severe field conditions. The main difference between the models is that the 7027 has a basic accuracy of 0.3 percent and the m 7029 has a basic accuracy of 0.2 percent. Both models have dual displays and the choice of operation in the 4,000 count or the higher resolution 40,000 count mode. Dual display digital multimeters has capacitance, frequency, conductance and diode test facilities as standard features. The salient features of dual display digital multimeters: