Product Profile of Protocol Gateway And Front End Server
Kalki Communication Technologies Limited offers Protocol Gateway and Front End Server.
Kalki Communication Technologies Limited is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company.
The Protocol Gateway and Front End Server supports Ethernet and serial communication channels and a large software library of RTU/IED communication protocols.
The features of Protocol Gateway and Front End Server are as follows:
- Protocol Gateway & Front End Server - Provides Gateway Functionality for Power Plants, Control Centers, SCADA Systems, ISO`s and others. It supports Multiple Control Center, Plant Level and Sub-Station Level Protocols. Can scale to provide large data points and flexible configuration and architecture support. Redundancy supported.
- Mobile Protocol Gateway: Supports GPRS/CDMA and leased line connections for acting as a gateway for large number of devices connected over a mobile network like GPRS/CDMA/GSM/PSTN/RF etc., The product is ideal for Distribution Automation, Asset Monitoring, AMR and AMI applications as well.
- Data Concentrator - Collect data from all substation devices, using standard and proprietary protocol, and make it available to control centers and the local HMI, using LAN, WAN, serial connections and GSM/GPRS/PSTN modems on one or two standard protocols. KSGL support`s up-to 50000 points and the KSGL family supports upwards of 250000 points..
- Device Server - KSGL family of products can also be configured to act as a device server, thereby providing multiple serial ports over its Ethernet. This enables multi-mastering or redundancy configurations across a distributed network with less number of serial ports and also the possibility of connecting proprietary configuration software on these Device Server Ports.