Strategi automation solutions supplies powerful programmable logic controllers [plgs]. The product is manufactured by fatek automation. This programmable logic controller has exclusive motion control features. These plcs has the capability to control up to eight stepper motors or eight servomotors in position control mode. The pulse train output of the plcs are 920 khz and speed counters of it is 920 khz. These plcs makes the motion control simpler with special function. The speed, distance and acceleration can be controlled from a single function block. There are some special features for speed control and machine homing. The company also incorporates the linear interpolation between two axes in the latest update. Apart from the special motion control functions, these plcs has several distinct features such as timers, counters, internal relays, memory coils, etc. Three types of cpu units are available including economical, high performance, and nc positioning units. These are designed with the motion control function with varying speeds of pto output 20 khz, 120 khz and 920 khz. There is provision of expansion of cpu units with 1/os of both digital and analog. The firm also offers some special modules for rtd unputs, tc inputs, thumbwheel inputs, 7 and 16 segment displays.