Mag solvics offers unistretch to determine various physical properties of fabrics & garments. It has a force of : 50 / 250 / 500 kilogram, jaw separation capacity: 0 to 600 mm, traverse speed is: 50 to 500 mm per minute. It is based on the constant rate of extension[cre] principle. Its selectable force unit is: kilogram / pound / newton. Selectable elongation unit : mm / inch / percentage. It is rugged type and ergonomically designed for extended life cycle. State-of -art microcomputer controlled technology facilitates the following:- standalone testing without computer system, user-friendly menu driven operating system, parameter setting flexibility through navigation keyboard, separate calibration program makes quick and reliable calibration. Specially made jaws / grips suitable for standard test methods, computer connectivity and special software facilitates satatistical and graphical reports, used to measure, strip strength, grap strength, seam slippage, tear test module, button / snap pull test, peel bond strength, zipper strength.