Wind driven turbo ventilators are used world over because of their low capital cost, adaptability, high capacity per vent and overall reliability. The operation is simple. As the vent hood is rotated by the wind, the stale air inside is exhausted through the wanes and a natural inward flow of fresh air is boosted. It is strong with lightweight construction and manufactured from high-grade aluminium. It is made to provide long and trouble free operation in industrial applications. It is storm proof, maintenance free and it needs no operating cost since it runs on wind power. A slight breeze is adequate to rotate the wind ventilators. There is 100% depreciation and a 10 year warranty. All factories, workshops, warehouses are constructed without a natural ventilation system. Provision of doors and windows is not sufficient as stale air does not disperse by itself. The concept of wind ventilator is a viable alternative for electrically operated exhaust fans. The turbo ventilator operates by harnessing the wind velocity to induce airflow by centrifugal force. The ventilators spins even at just 3 km per hour speed of the wind.