Product Profile of Sharprite Wire Resharpening Device
The Indian Card Clothing Co. Ltd offers Sharprite Wire Resharpening Device. The Indian Card Clothing Co. Ltd or ICC is ISO 9001 certified that manufactures card clothing to process every natural or man made fibre on every type of carding machine, be it conventional cards or super high production cards. This Sharprite Wire Resharpening Device works with absolute precision and does not need a skilled operator for its use.
Advantages of Sharprite Wire Resharpening Device are:
- Traverse speed of the stone is adjusted to the cylinder wire rotation speed that ensures that all the wire points get a gentle re-sharpening.
- Pre-calibrated, positive pressure of grinding stone on wire points
- No chance of excess pressure or damage to wire points.
- Abrasion of card clothing is minimized, allowing more number of resharpenings. This also adds to consistency of carding quality throughout the life of the wires.
- Resharpening stone touches each and every wire point in each traverse, providing unmatched consistency.
- Works with compressed air; no gearbox, belt drives or complicated electronic systems; easy to handle and maintain
- Extended life of card clothing