Smith & Sharks Projects [India] Pvt. Ltd manufactures Pure Water Mist System. Smith & Sharks Projects [India] Pvt. Ltd offers fire alarm system, water based fire protection system, gas based fire suppression, foam extinguishing system, fire fighting equipment, access control system etc in wide ranges. Pure Water Mist System converts pure water in to fine mist at a pressure of 80 to 200 bars. As a result of water being atomized at high pressure, the surface area available for cooling is considerably greater than that of conventional low pressure system. This means Sharks system extracts heat far more rapidly from fire. The strong cooling effects serve not only to fight fire but protecting lives and property against effects of radiated heat. Pure Water Mist System is suited for various sectors like-commercial complexes, corporate office complexes, malls, high rise residential properties, chemical and petrochemical industries, oil refineries, Oil installations, onshore and offshore oil exploration rigs, manufacturing industries etc.