Product Profile of High Speed Ts80 Scara Robot
Stäubli AG India Branch offers High Speed TS80 SCARA Robot. Stäubli AG India Branch offers textile machinery, connectors and robotics. High Speed TS80 SCARA Robot features unique benefits to fit in all environments providing possible process quality and increased productivity.
Key Features of High Speed Ts80 Scara Robot
- High speed: Fast robot with up to 100 pick per minute [ppm] capability
- High payload capacity: Standard 25 mm diameter quill enables to carry heavy payload while maintaining high speed
- Rigid structure brings increased dynamic performance
- Multiple user connections: Electrical, pneumatic and input/outputs connections are available on the forearm as well as on the tool flange
- High protection: IP54 rating, angled connector plate design and bellow bring better protection against dusts and liquids
- Large work envelope: 200 or 400 mm stroke versions offer large work volume