Organica biotech offers wastewater management. Bioclean is available in dry concentrate bacterial formulations specially designed to provide improved waste degradation in wastewater treatment applications. Each gram of the product contains up to 4 billion microbes. There are up to 76 different strains of bacteria in each bioclean product, depending upon the formulation type, which can biodegrade very diverse type of molecules. There are various formulations of bioclean available for each specific industry type. The effluents of each type of industry have been carefully analysed and a unique combination of microbes and biochemical accelerators are processed in a specific proportion, designed to treat the effluent of that particular industry. Bioclean works in wide range of ph, temperature and do levels. It contains nutrients, additives and biochemical accelerators. Culture grows in either the presence or absence of oxygen. Bioclean digests difficult compounds that are toxic to naturally occurring bacteria or existing generic bacteria. It provides rapid breakdown of difficult-to-degrade substances, viz, surfactants, sulphides, mercaptans, phenols, cresylates, hydrocarbons, aromatic compounds, ammonia, etc.