Stoker Concast designs and supplies continuous casting machines. These casting machines are used to melt and cast in continuous lengths of a wide range of copper and copper-based alloys. These casting machines are applicable in : semi-finished rods, strips, tubes or in any other profile. The casting machines cover a wide range from 10 kg/hr to 250 kg/hr for precious metals. The small tabletop machines are specially manufactured to process gold, silver and their alloys. These continuous casting machines therefore convert scrap of almost all copper and copper-based alloys which help to cut down costs drastically. These continuous casting machines process recycled expensive scrap, which reduces scrap wastage to the minimum. Selection of the machines depends on a particular application. The product sizes can range from as small as 6.0 mm diameter rods to billets of 150 mm diameter. The widest strip and section, up to 150 mm width may be produced on large machines. Every model of the range of machines are provided with some outstanding features which include: great flexibility in terms of product profile and product alloy. To change the machine from strip to rod production, a few minor modifications are required