Swan Enterprise offers Quillaya Saponin manufactured by Dr. H. Schmittmann GmbH, Germany. Swan Enterprise represents foreign manufacturers to market their products in India and Indian manufacturers to export their products out of India. Among the companies that the company represents are Bruno Bock, Germany, Dr. H. Schmittmann GmbH, Germany, EVANS Chemetics, USA, etc. Quillaya Saponin is among the saponins produced on a large industrial scale. The raw material for production of quillaya saponin is the quillaya bark imported from Chile, also known as "soap bark", washing wood or Panama bark. The bark is derived by peeling the quillaya tree, Quillaya saponariae, from the family of rosacees. Quillaya Saponin is available in different degrees of purity. The Q-types described hereunder principally vary in their saponin contents.