Swan Enterprise offers Ethylenegylcol-di-Mercaptoacetate manufactured by Bruno Bock, Germany. Swan Enterprise represents foreign manufacturers to market their products in India and Indian manufacturers to export their products out of India. Among the companies that the company represents are Bruno Bock, Germany, Dr. H. Schmittmann GmbH, Germany, EVANS Chemetics, USA, etc. Hylenegylcol-di-Mercaptoacetate is a universal Dithiol which is used as cross-linking agent and chain transfer agent for acrylate / methacrylate copolymers. Ethylenegylcol-di-Mercaptoacetate is a type of polythiol that can be used in unsaturated systems with natural and Butyl Rubbers and in Radiation-Curable adhesives for surface protective films. Ethylenegylcol-di-Mercaptoacetate finds its application in the polymer industry.