Gujarat Glycols Private Limited manufactures Poly Ethylene Glycol with 1.0% Maximum Moisture Content. Gujarat Glycols Private Limited has received ISO 9001: 2000 certifications. Poly Ethylene Glycol with 1.0% Maximum Moisture Content is widely used in a variety of pharmaceutical formulations including parenteral, topical, ophthalmic, oral and rectal preparations. Poly Ethylene Glycol with 1.0% Maximum Moisture Content is stable, hydrophilic substances that are essentially nonirritant to the skin. This is water soluble and as such easily removed from the skin by washing; they are therefore useful as ointment bases. The mixtures of polyethylene glycols can be made higher to withstand exposure to warmer climates; release of the drug is not dependent upon melting point; physical stability on storage is better; suppositories are readily miscible with rectal fluids.