The Hydrochloric Acid is the solution of hydrogen chloride [HCl] in water. Its physical properties of boiling and melting points, density, and pH are dependant on the concentration or molarity of HCl in the acid solution. They vary from those of water at very low concentrations approaching 0% HCl to values for fuming hydrochloric acid at over 40% HCl. This is found naturally in gastric acid and is a highly corrosive and strong mineral acid and has versatile industrial applications. Kumbha Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Manufactures Hydrochloric Acid.
Kumbha Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Is the supplier of Hydrochloric Acid, Trichlorobenzene, Orthodichlorobenzene and Paradichlorobenzene. The Hydrochloric Acid is a strong inorganic acid.
This acid is used in several applications like: