Avmounts [india] offers a ranger of vibration isolation systems. The primary requisite of machine tool installation, for its optimum service, is a lower noise level, free from external and inherent vibrations, easy installation and precise levelling - avmount anti-vibration mountings provide all these and absorb shocks and impacts from punching machines and presses, also the horizontal forces from injection moulding machines and shaping machines. It keeps them firmly in position whilst still permitting smooth operation. It damps out the mass movements of shaping machines and prevents them from wandering. Lathes, grinding machines and other precision machines are protected from external shock loads and vibration. Applications: lathes, milling machines, shaping machines, grinding machines, power presses, hydraulic presses, kniblers, notching machines, press brakes, guillotine shears, rubber processing machinery, wood working machines etc.