Permaweld offers electrodes, magna 303. It is a maintenance engineered electrode, which welds virtually all steels, and dissimilar steels. Its weld deposits consist of a two-phase microstructure with a high percentage of soft delta ferrite in a tough austenitic matrix with elongation. It includes high tensile strength, high fatigue resistance x-ray qualities, high shock and impact resistance. Magna 303 gives welds of high mechanical properties and excellent ability on manganese steel, galvanised steel stainless steel, mild steel, medium carbon steel, high carbon steel, sulphur bearing steel, cast steel, and free machining steel. Typical applications of magna 303 are as follows:
- for high strength joining of critical steel components, and
- rebuilding of worn out gears, shafts, valves and
- critical tools and dies.
Magna 303 comes in the gauges [mm] 6 [4.8], 8 [4] 10 [3.2],12 [2.4], 16 [tig alloy]. The minimum standard pack available is of 1.16 kg.