T.Stanes & Company Limited manufactures Carrier - Based Microbe for Improving Plant Health. T.Stanes & Company Limited also manufactures Organic Fertilizer, Micronutrients, Botanical Pesticides, Microbial insecticides, Microbial fungicides, Microbial nematicides Antitranspirants, and immunomodulators. Carrier - Based Microbe for Improving Plant Health solubilizes the fixed phosphorous in the soil into a simpler form and makes it available directly to the plants. It enhances root proliferation due to release of growth-promoting hormones. It supplies phosphorus to the plants to the extent of 10 to 15 kg / ha. The Microbe avoids soil erosion and improves the soil texture and fertility. It also improves the organic content and microbial population of the soil. This is available in liquid [1X109 bacterial cells/ml] formulation. It is offered under the brand name of Symbion-P.