T.Stanes & Company Limited manufactures Biological Fungicide for Controlling Disease Causing Pathogens. T.Stanes & Company Limited also manufactures Organic Fertilizer, Micronutrients, Botanical Pesticides, Microbial insecticides, Microbial fungicides, Microbial nematicides Antitranspirants, and immunomodulators. Biological Fungicide for Controlling Disease Causing Pathogens contains the cells of rhizobacteria, Pseudononas fluorscens. It is available in liquid as well as powder form. It improves the yield by improving the plant health through controlling the disease causing pathogen. The fungicide does not create resistance, resurgence or residue problems. It is eco-friendly and maintains the ecological balance. It controls disease-causing pathogens like Pyniculasa oryzae, Alternerianp, Mycosphaerella grasicola and Sclerotinia homoeocarpa, which cause root rot, root wilt, seedling rot and colour rot diseases in crops. The fungicide is offered under the brand name of Bio-Cure-B.